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Catalog ID 7638 / 300 units

BF 568 Phalloidin

AKA: Bella Fluor 568 Phalloidin
Formula Weight CAS#
Proprietary Proprietary N/A
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Our Bella Fluor 568 phalloidin conjugate is a bright and photostable fluorescent probe with a high affinity for F-actin. Bella Fluor 568 phalloidin is an orange-fluorescent phallotoxin derivative that can be used to visualize and quantify cytoskeletal proteins in multicolor imaging. Bella Fluor 568 phalloidin is excited near 578 nm and has a fluorescent emission near 600 nm. .

Product Size 300 units
Form Purple solid
Absorption (estimated) Wavelength (λmax) 578 ± 3 nm (Buffer pH 7)
Fluorescence (estimated) Wavelength (λmax) 600 ± 4 nm (*Buffer pH 7)
Storage conditions Freeze: Store at -5 to -30°C (F) Protect from moisture (D) Protect from light (L)

* Bella Fluor 568 Phalloidin
* Known as Alexa Fluor® 568 Phalloidin *TM of Probes*

Product Line:   Bella Fluor (Known as Alexa Fluor, TM of Molecular Probes)
Fluorescent Probes and Related Products:   Bella Fluor (Known as Alexa Fluor, TM of Molecular Probes)
Label or Dye:   Bella Fluor 568 (Known as Alexa Fluor 568, TM of Molecular Probes)
Cell stains / Cellular Structure Probes:   Cytoskeleton / Actin / Tubulin
Excitation and Emision Ranges:   Excitation: 570-580 nm and Emission: 585-605 nm
Conjugated Biomolecules / Bioconjugates:   Phalloidin conjugates

Safety Data Sheet

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