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Catalog ID 7725 / 1 mg

BF 350 Hydroxylamine

AKA: Bella Fluor 350 Hydroxylamine
Formula Weight CAS#
C19H28Cl2N4O8S 543.42 N/A
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Bella Fluor 350 Hydroxylamine is an aldehyde and ketone-reactive, blue-fluorescent dye that is optimally excited using a 350 nm laser line. This brightly fluorescent hydroxylamine derivative may be used as a polar tracer for long-term cell labeling, and following cell division, cell lysis, or liposome fusion. Bella Fluor 350 Hydroxylamine may also be used to label aldehydes or ketones in polysaccharides or glycoproteins. Bella Fluor 350 is water soluble and blue fluorescent in aqueous solvents, is relatively environmentally insensitive and is insensitive to pH changes between pH 4 and pH 10. Bella Fluor 350 conjugates are more photostable and have a brighter fluorescence than similar short wavelength labels like AMCA. .

Product Size 1 mg
Form White Solid
Absorption (estimated) Wavelength (λmax) 353 ± 3 nm (Methanol)
Fluorescence (estimated) Wavelength (λmax) 437 ± 4 nm (Methanol)
Storage conditions Freeze: Store at -5 to -30°C (F) Protect from moisture (D) Protect from light (L)

* Bella Fluor 350 Hydroxylamine
* AMCA-S Hydroxylamine] [Alexa Fluor® 350 Hydroxylamine *TM of Probes*
* O-(2-((5-(2-(7-Amino-4-methyl-2-oxo-6-sulfo-2H-chromen-3-yl)acetamido)pentyl)amino)-2-oxoethyl)hydroxylammonium 2,2,2-trifluoroacetate

Safety Data Sheet

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