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Catalog ID 7624 / 1 mg

BF 350 Cadaverine

AKA: Bella Fluor 350 Cadaverine
Formula Weight CAS#
C17H23N3O6S 397.45 N/A
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Bella Fluor 350 Cadaverine is an aliphatic-amine analog of our bright blue-fluorescent and pH-insensitive Bella Fluor 350 dye. The primary amine can be coupled to aldehydes and ketones to yield a reversible Schiff Base product that can be transformed to a stable amine derivative using a reducing agent like sodium borohydride or sodium cyanoborohydride. The primary amine may also be reacted with carboxylic acids of peptides, proteins, and biomolecules using a carbodiimide coupling agent like water-soluble EDAC.  Bella Fluor 350 conjugates are more photostable and have a brighter fluorescence than similar short wavelength labels like AMCA. .

Product Size 1 mg
Form White Solid
Absorption (estimated) Wavelength (λmax) 353 ± 3 nm (Methanol)
Fluorescence (estimated) Wavelength (λmax) 437 ± 4 nm (Methanol)
Storage conditions Freeze: Store at -5 to -30°C (F) Protect from moisture (D) Protect from light (L)

* Bella Fluor 350 Cadaverine
* Alexa Fluor® 350 cadaverine *TM of MP* [AF 350 Cadaverine]
* AMCA-S Cadaverine

Safety Data Sheet
Certificates of Analysis
Lot 51553 08-Jan-2019

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