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Product 8131

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Catalog ID 8131 / 500 ug

BF 568 Alkyne *Click Chemistry* *Mixed-Isomers*

AKA: Bella Fluor Alkyne
Formula Weight CAS#
C48H63N5O10S2 934.18 N/A
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Bella Fluor 568 Alkyne is an orange-fluorescent dye that is reactive with azide moieties using a copper-catalyzed click reaction. Click chemistry is favored for labeling and detection of target molecules because the highly selective labeling reaction is fast and efficient with few side products, requires no special solvents or temperatures, and yields a stable linkage between the target and the label. This alkyne analog of our BF 568 is ideal for imaging, HCS, and flow cytometry applications where label brightness and photostability are critical. Bella Fluor 568 is relatively environmentally insensitive and insensitive to pH changes between pH 4 and pH 10. Bella Fluor 568 is optimally excited by a 568 nm Ar-Kr laser line, water soluble and brightly fluorescent in aqueous solvents. .

Product Size 500 ug
Form Solid
Storage conditions Freeze: Store at -5 to -30°C (F) Protect from moisture (D) Protect from light (L)

* Bella Fluor Alkyne
* Alexa Fluorâ„¢ 568 Alkyne *TM of MP*
* BF 568 Propargyl Amide,, Bella Fluor 568 Propargyl Amide

Safety Data Sheet

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