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Catalog ID 7319 / 20 X 50 ug

MitoHunt Red CM-H2Xros *SP-Pak*

AKA: Chloromethyldihydro-X-Rosamine
Formula Weight CAS#
C32H33ClN2O 497.08 167095-08-1
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MitoHunt Red CM-H2Xros is a probe for staining the functioning mitochondria of live cells. MitoHunt Red CM-H2Xros is a non-fluorescent, chemically reduced form of our orange-fluorescent mitochondria-selective MitoHunt Red CMXROs (product 7316). MitoHunt Red CM-H2Xros is cell-permeant and non-fluorescent until it passively enters a respiring cell and is oxidized to the cationic, yellow-fluorescent mitochondria-selective probe. MitoHunt Red CM-H2Xros has also been used to monitor the real-time changes of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). The oxidized probe is excited near 578 nm and has a fluorescent emission near 599 nm. The orange fluorescence is compatible with many of our other fluorescent cellular probes in multicolor imaging applications and the dye is well-retained after fixation.

Product Size 20 X 50 ug
Form Pink Solid
Absorption (estimated) Wavelength (λmax) 245 ± 3 nm (Acetonitrile)
Storage conditions Freeze: Store at -5 to -30°C (F) Protect from moisture (D) Protect from light (L)

* Chloromethyldihydro-X-Rosamine
* MitoTracker Red CM-H2Xros *TM of MP*

Excitation and Emision Ranges:   Excitation: 570-580 nm and Emission: 585-605 nm
Cell stains / Cellular Structure Probes:   Mitochondria
Product Line:   MitoHunt (Known as MitoTracker, MitoProbe, Mitofluor or MitoSOX; TM of Molecular
Cell stains / Cellular Structure Probes:   Organelle Stains
Reactive Probes and Related Products:   Thiol-Reactive (Haloacetamide/Halobenzyl and Maleimide)

Safety Data Sheet
Certificates of Analysis
Lot 50623 13-Oct-2015

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